What to Expect!

Once you have agreed with Carole that she will treat your dog she will contact your Vet in order to obtain their consent. This is a legal requirement. She will ask you for photos and/or video of your dog in specific poses. This will help her to gain an understanding of your dog’s posture, movement and comfort levels ahead of the appointment. She will also provide you with information about before and after treatments. Including restrictions around times of eating before and after the dog’s sessions.
Generally, 4 sessions are recommended in order to make a change, but this does depend on what the dog’s issue is. Treatment will include advice regarding lifestyle, environment and exercise.
Your dog will be treated with the utmost respect, empathy and kindness. Sometimes dogs are nervous, anxious and/or in pain. Carole believes passionately in helping the dog to feel safe and building a relationship of trust with them, giving them choice and responding to their body language appropriately.
Having a quiet, uninterrupted space to treat your dog will help them to relax and engage with Carole. She may even ask you to completely ignore your dog! This may feel quite counterintuitive for you, but just sit back and concentrate on calm and relaxing thoughts. This will allow Carole to focus on your dog and every part of your dog’s behaviour and body language.

A Revolutionary Treatment Process
A founding principle of Galen Myotherapy...
…is our specific and unique handling protocol – Positive P.A.C.T®, which stands for Progressive Affective Cycle of Therapy and is based on giving your dog choice.
Positive PACT works with the dog’s thought process, allowing them the comfort of being in their own home and having their owner present, but it also enables choice and control for the dog.
By applying this designed and scientific process to all our treatments, it allows the dog to be relaxed and able to guide their treatment with no forcing or restraining. This methodology facilitates excellent results and buy-in from your dog, enabling me to massage and treat painful areas that can otherwise not be touched or managed.
Unlike some other organisations your dog will be treated on floor level, will not be restrained, and can walk away at any time. I will endeavour to build a relationship of trust, respect, and empathy.
Healing will be enhanced by the positive emotions associated with this treatment protocol.

Is your dog suffering?
Do you worry that there is more you could be doing?
Do you want to talk to someone who understands how hard it is to watch your dog suffering?
Are you interested in finding out more about Myotherapy and what it can do for your dog?
Get In touch now
07775 663912